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Comments: 103 | Page 25 of 26
18 Mar 2016, 5:17:18 AM
post Website - 1
I'm retired examine levitra online rezept cialis order levitra online review elevate spectacular Regular legislation and approval of presidential nominees were done by a vote of the majority. Debate on the Senate floor was part and parcel of the institution and Senators could pull a Wendy Davis or Jimmy Stewart in "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington."
post Solomon Email -
A definite must read for anyone considering a career in the fire service or anyone who knows a fireman. Saul accurately portrays the blessing and curse of the 24 hour shift.

Like a time machine, I was transported back to a shift that had long since faded from my memory banks. Funny how it now seems like only yesterday.

I eagerly await Saul's next book and another trip back in time. Good luck my friend!

post Rich Rahn from Merritt Island, FL. - 9 Sep 2012
Congrats on your new book! Best of luck!
post Keith Seafield from Cooper City, FL - 26 Jul 2012